Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Today I am all alone in the library. It is almost midnight and I'm still here. No one wants to study with me. I'm sitting all alone. Everyone here is studying with friends or with their special someone. I'm here with dear ol Macbook. Poor Macbook. It looks terrible. But I don't mind. Looks don't matter to me. Next to me is a couple. They've been cuddling all night. I wish i had someone to cuddle too. I've only ever cuddled my bolster. And it's at home now. But I don't want to go home. My mum will scold me again. I read somewhere that parents scold because they love their children. That's true for all parents. Except my mum. Sigh. Guess I will go now. Bye.

depressing incident

i dropped my beloved mac book yesterday. it was such a big blow to me. i was very sad so i cried for 2 hours. and i didn't dare to open my laptop case to check out my mac book. it was only after 4 hours then i managed to pluck up my courage to take a good look at my laptop. guess what?! the side of my mac book is damaged. there is a very big crack and some parts are falling out. i was really depressed. really depressed. so i cried for another 5 hours. what should i do now. sighs. im lost.

thankfully my mac book is still usable. such a hardy laptop. such a reliable friend. i feel like sending it for repair, but i cant bear to part with it. i heard that laptop servcing takes about one month! i cant even survive one day without it. i'll die of love sick. what should i do now! sighs