Thursday, March 29, 2007

i'm like a bird

hey blog,
i am very sad today. I'm having a break out!! pimples all over my face and worst still, one on my butt. it hurts so badly i can't even sit properly in class. sigh, why must this happen to me??? school is ending so soon and i'm still a loner. sometimes i feel like i'm invisible, people even have problem pronouncing my name, they call me "eh.. that guy with exploded hair!", it hurts my little heart so bad.. i wish i can just turn into a bird and fly away.. into the dark blue sky.

Morning Class

Today I was 5 minutes late for class. I knew I could not be late for class and so I went to the bus stop early. However, every bus that came was full, and people just kept pushing me aside so I could not get onto the bus. In the end I had to walk to the MRT station. By the time I reached school, I knew I was going to be late. When I reached class, there was a group making the presentation. My professor locked the door so no one could disturb them. So I had to stand outside my class for 20 minutes. It was so embarrassing. Luckily I managed to look through the small window in the door so that I could follow the presentation. What a way to start the day.