Tuesday, April 3, 2007

sad again

i feel really sad today, after watching my classmate's presentation, i realised i am a victim to the seven sins of the world, especially gluttony. sigh, why do i love to eat so much? i can't seem to figure out the reason. i buy so much food that all the stall owners in kopitiam love me so much. hai, now i'm stuck in a cubicle in the toilet, all the GSRs in school are fully booked so i decided to use the cubicle as a place for my lonely soul. Now i'm going to bed, goodnight world.

Monday, April 2, 2007


its the start of the study week. and i have 4 exams next week. but i just cant find the motivation to study. everyone is studying with their friends in the library, but i have no one to study with. i tried doing some math questions just now. but i was quite annoyed, as all my answers are different from those given. i bet those answers are wrong. the publisher of the textbook is so lousy. how can they get all the answers wrong. maybe i should send in my answers to them to enlighten them

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday without sun

its sunday today but there's no sun. because its raining. its so gloomy and it makes me sad. people always enjoy such weather, saying that it is nice to sleep and laze in bed. so i went to try. but i can't sleep at all, even though i tried counting sheeps. i think that method is lousy. it doesn't make me sleepy at all. instead, i got more awake and excited, as the number of sheeps become larger and larger. yeah, and after 10,000 sheeps, i got bored, that's why i'm blogging again :)

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Holding Hands

I don't see the point of holding hands. Today all around me there were couples who were holding hands. So I held my own hands for awhile. I felt nothing special. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Or am I supposed to wait until my palms get sweaty? I'm so confused.

School Concert

Today I went to watch a concert in my school. It was called Starry Starry Night. I couldn't find a seat at first because everyone had reserved the seats for their friends. But I don't have friends to reserve seats for me. In the end I found an empty spot. But there was a big pillar in front of me that partially blocked my view. Oh well. At least the music was good. And when the singers asked us to stand up I did, but I realised no one else around me did. So embarrassing. In the end I went to the library to study. As I left, I heard someone say, "Eh look at that loser! Where's he going? To the library for Study Study Night is it?" I was so upset. But at least in the library no one disturbed me anymore.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

i'm like a bird

hey blog,
i am very sad today. I'm having a break out!! pimples all over my face and worst still, one on my butt. it hurts so badly i can't even sit properly in class. sigh, why must this happen to me??? school is ending so soon and i'm still a loner. sometimes i feel like i'm invisible, people even have problem pronouncing my name, they call me "eh.. that guy with exploded hair!", it hurts my little heart so bad.. i wish i can just turn into a bird and fly away.. into the dark blue sky.

Morning Class

Today I was 5 minutes late for class. I knew I could not be late for class and so I went to the bus stop early. However, every bus that came was full, and people just kept pushing me aside so I could not get onto the bus. In the end I had to walk to the MRT station. By the time I reached school, I knew I was going to be late. When I reached class, there was a group making the presentation. My professor locked the door so no one could disturb them. So I had to stand outside my class for 20 minutes. It was so embarrassing. Luckily I managed to look through the small window in the door so that I could follow the presentation. What a way to start the day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Today I am all alone in the library. It is almost midnight and I'm still here. No one wants to study with me. I'm sitting all alone. Everyone here is studying with friends or with their special someone. I'm here with dear ol Macbook. Poor Macbook. It looks terrible. But I don't mind. Looks don't matter to me. Next to me is a couple. They've been cuddling all night. I wish i had someone to cuddle too. I've only ever cuddled my bolster. And it's at home now. But I don't want to go home. My mum will scold me again. I read somewhere that parents scold because they love their children. That's true for all parents. Except my mum. Sigh. Guess I will go now. Bye.

depressing incident

i dropped my beloved mac book yesterday. it was such a big blow to me. i was very sad so i cried for 2 hours. and i didn't dare to open my laptop case to check out my mac book. it was only after 4 hours then i managed to pluck up my courage to take a good look at my laptop. guess what?! the side of my mac book is damaged. there is a very big crack and some parts are falling out. i was really depressed. really depressed. so i cried for another 5 hours. what should i do now. sighs. im lost.

thankfully my mac book is still usable. such a hardy laptop. such a reliable friend. i feel like sending it for repair, but i cant bear to part with it. i heard that laptop servcing takes about one month! i cant even survive one day without it. i'll die of love sick. what should i do now! sighs

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

In Class

I'm so happy today! I got to sit behind Mindy in class. In the corner of the classroom where no one else sits. She really has nice ponytails. I can almost memorise the back of her head. And when I said something today, she turned around and frowned! She actually looked at me!!! I'm so happy. what a wonderful day today.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Wasted Night

Today i decided to wait in school so that I could accompany my girl home. Mindy doesn't know she's my girl. Sometimes I wait for her so that I can go back with her. Although we live on different sides of Singapore, sometimes I accompany her by sitting behind her on the bus and looking at her beautiful ponytails. But today, she went back with another guy. He stared at me as they walked past. I was too scared to follow her back today. One of the cool guys. Jerry I think his name is. Oh well. Maybe tommorrow I'll go back with her. I'll just go straight home today I guess. And see my mum again. She will scold me again I know it. I hope I dream about her tonight. Goodnight world.

Hot Classmate

Got the pictures frommy classmate's blog. Wow look at the sexy purple stockings. Never knew i had such a hot classmate. Too bad i'm such a loser...

Diarrhoea Woes

Woke up this morning with a bad case of diarrhoea. Had to skip my BGS class. My BRO Shawn called me to inform my that Prof Pavri told me to take the weekly quiz at home, but added that i cannot cheat. I did not cheat because i am an ethical and lawful citizen of Singapore. Sigh...
Tummy is rumbling again. At least i have my macbook to accompany me in the toilet.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

muddy incident

i saw my bus when i was walking towards my bus stop in the morning. so i decided to chase after it. unfortunately, i stepped onto a puddle of mud, and my foot got trapped in it. thankfully i was strong, and i managed to pull my foot out of it. so i continued chasing after my bus. but the bus went off without waiting for me. in the end i was late for class. and i got scold by my prof. and i have to walk around with muddy shoes. gross!

Friday, March 23, 2007

home finally

im so glad im home. i forgot to bring my mac book to school today, so i cant use it and i cant blog. so i could only listen to my ipod. how lonely. i asked some people to lend me their laptops, but they refuse. selfish. i'm so glad i'm home now. so i can use my mac book and blog now. yay!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

my mum

now im back at home from sch. because i have no one to go out with. all the guys went to play soccer without me. i like to play soccer. i think i'm good at it. maybe i should try to ask the rest to play with me. and show them my true colours.

n my mum scolded me just now. cos i didnt wash my plates and i leave my clothes lying around. she always scold me. even my mum doesnt want to friend me. here's my mum:

lunch time

its lunch time now. but i have no one to eat with. but its ok. i think i am used to it already. but i still feel sad sometimes. at least i have my 3 friends with me. i'm listening to my ipod, and using my mac book to blog. happy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


yet another day in school...
with no one to talk to orto play soccer with...

i've so much to say, but no one wants to listen to me

so here am i...
blogging about my life...
at least i have my mac book with me
my mac book and ipod are my only friends
now that i have a new blog
i have one more friend!
i'm so excited!

but i wonder if anyone will ever bother to read my blog..